Leeland - Opposite Way

The new album from Leeland is good stuff. This sophomore release continues the guitar heavy rhythms and insightful lyrics but does seem a bit more mature. I hear a little of the Beatles in some of the backing parts and a bit of Coldplay in the rhythms in places. Some good personal worship songs and some corporate possibilities as well. Get it.

Student soul searching.

Went with the Collision Youth team on the Winter Retreat this weekend. Did my usual thing - singing, playing, leading the group toward God as best I could. Now, it's no secret that I'm no fan of winter (which is a problem this year). And I would much rather go to a warmer spot for reflecting and reconnecting. That said, this was a cool weekend with the students. I didn't get out and tube and sled with them. But I did get to make connections with some that I hadn't before. The best thing was that I was able to witness some serious introspection and examination. There were some of students that were/are really dealing with what it means to be a Christ-follower. That is cool.

Worship Production?

I’ve been asking myself a lot of tough questions lately. Like “what should our services seek to accomplish?” or “how do we deal with difficulties?” Another thought that has been eating up my noodle lately is “What should corporate worship look like?”

The call of a worship leader covers a multitude of tasks, but a large part of it is to program experiences that will ultimately lead people to offer their response to God. To seek Him and humbly give what they’ve got to Him. The definition of worship that I’ve been using lately is: to love God and offer all that we are to Him for what He has done, is doing and will do in the future.

That part I’ve got. What I’m struggling with has to do with the production side of a weekend experience. No matter the philosophy of a church, no matter where they sit on the spectrum of worship style, there is a certain production content that is evident. From bare-bones to full bore concert-style events.

Just how much and what do the lights and technology do to aid our worship? Anything? I’m asking. I have some thoughts. And I’ll talk about this some more. Later.


Thanks to Perry for this on Passionate leadership of the church. We need more of the kind of passionate leadership that people think is just crazy. When we follow God's dreams, it always seems crazy because it's impossible for us to make it happen. Lord, renew your passionate dream in my heart. Don't let me settle for keeping the sheep happy. Give me huge, impossible dreams that only you can bring to life. And give me the willingness to follow your dreams into reality.

Free Wi-Fi @ Sbux

OK, I'll admit it. I like Starbucks. Sbux to some, St. Arbucks to others. It's great coffee and I even like the atmosphere at some locations. Enter AT&T and I like the atmosphere a lot more. Free Wi-Fi at St. Arbucks thanks to AT&T. Two hours free then like $4 for the next 2 hours. But (and here's the best part) if you've got AT&T broadband at home, you've got free Wi-Fi to got with your coffee. So, my planning sessions just got another location. Yeah!!!

Collision Youth website

Aaron is working on a new website for our student ministries.

Monday again

Horrible headache today. Could be from an acute lack of sleep the last 3 nights. Could be from having to tackle a big uninvited problem this morning before coffee. Could be lack of eating right. Could be not working out the last 5 days. Probably a combination of all of the above. Ibuprofen and caffeine are starting to kick in.

New music

Finally got my pre-order of Jack Johnson's new album yesterday. Title track "Sleep Through the Static". It's good stuff. Still mellow as ever, but a little more electric. Still working my way through, but I'm diggin' it so far.

6+5 = 30

They say we had an official total of 11 inches of snow in the last day. Somebody tell me how I shoveled a total of 30 inches of accumulation over 6 shoveling expeditions. I'm no mathematician, but that doesn't seem to add up!

Gods cardio program

Over 12 inches of snow in 24 hours. Enough said

One of the funniest movies ever!

about the name

Several of you have asked about the name "Between Nut and Saddle" and what it's all about. So, here's the short answer. Yes, it's a cheesy musical reference. On a guitar the nut and saddle hold the strings up off the fretboard. And so, it's between these two key items that music is created. More importantly, the space between the strings and frets is called the action. So, the cheesy answer is, between the nut and saddle is where the action is. Yeah, I know, I already said it. Cheesy. But, I like it. And it's a bit cryptic for those who don't know. So, there you have it. Between Nut and Saddle.