My highlights from Chapter 9, all quoted from Worship Matters by Bob Kauflin.
- In a single conversation (Jesus) relocated the place of worship from the Jerusalem temple to himself.
- There's nothing about our worship of God that isn't defined or affected by Jesus Christ.
- Most people haven't spent much time considering their need for a mediator in their relationship with God. That's because we grossly underestimate the gravity and offensiveness of our sin in light of God's infinite majesty, holiness, and justice.
- God's perspective is different.
- Glorying in Jesus Christ means glorying in his cross.
- Worship itself cannot lead us into God's presence, Only Jesus himself can bring us into God's presence, and he has done it through a single sacrifice that will never be repeated - only joyfully recounted and trusted in.
- We need to remember that our access to God is not based on last week's performance, today's practices, or tomorrow's potential. Rather, we're accepted "in the Beloved" (Ephesians 1:6) and need have no fear of rejection as we come before God's throne.
- Nothing against skill, practice, complexity, nuance, musicianship, or sincerity, but only the finished work of Christ makes our offerings of worship acceptable in God's eyes. What a relief!
- It's not the excellence of our offering that makes our worship acceptable but the excellence of Christ.
- The hosts of heaven never tire of extolling the Lamb who was slain. Should we?
- One of the most important aspects of biblical worship we desperately need to recover today is a passionate, scripturally informed exaltation of Jesus Christ and his redemptive work.
- of our primary thoughts as we plan a Sunday meeting should be: Will our time together cause people's view of, trust in, and desire for God's glory in Christ and him crucified to increase? For a worship leader's preparation, focus, and evaluation, no question is more important.
Good stuff. I have a hard time finding a single statement that resonates more strongly than the others. But if I had to chose, it would be the last one. That is something I have to consider weekly.