Need a motivator
Motivation is like the tide. It comes and goes. Sometimes its faster or slower, but it always seems to ebb and flow. What I'm looking for is a way to keep myself motivated despite how I feel, busyness,
I've been there before. Back in '03 I lost over 50 lbs before our big vacation to Antigua. I need to find that kind of motivation/inspiration again. I'm feeling an up-swing today and want to keep it going. Any great ideas???
1:39 PM | Filed Under | 3 Comments
December 9th, 2007, I crossed the finish line of the Dallas White Rock Marathon. When I started training in August I never felt more motivation in my life to tackle something way bigger than ME. Find a 10-K, a bike race, something that gives you a deadline and goal. That's a motivator!
When I first started at the gym, I didn't have any motivation, other than I just wanted to kind of get in shape. Then I went jeans shopping and ended up buying a pair 1 size smaller than usual. That was a great feeling, and I've since dropped another size. So, my advice, buy a pair of jeans that's a size too small and resolve to wear them.
Motivation.....a 4 letter word in intensity....carries strength, conviction, you love it when you have it, hate it when it's gone....
Love the blog....thanks for the invite....
PS...used to be an avid runner, you know, 5K's, 1/2 marathons, etc....what happened??
Life,... of a different sort...