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12:52 PM | Filed Under | 1 Comments
Derby #2
It was deinitely big fun in the big Derb.
After a long day Amelia went to bed early and I'm debating about a late movie at Warren Old Town. I have about 20 minutes to decide.
Sleep? or 21 with stadium seating and service at my seat? Who knows which will happen...
First night in Derby
Of flying and cash
- Heading to Kansas tomorrow. Flying Midwest into KC in the AM. Renting a car for the week, driving down 35 through the flint hills, through Wichita, and into the big Derb. Amelia and I will be staying with my folks and I'll be using that has a home base for some church tech recon. There are a couple great churches in the ITC that I'm looking forward to talking with.
- Started using Pearbudget last week. I like it a lot. Easy to use and helps us keep track of what we've been spending on. It's also the simplest application for actually creating and maintaining a budget that I've seen. Check it out.
3:11 PM | Filed Under | 3 Comments
- For those who may be concerned. Nope, there has not been a horrendous event which prompted my last entry. Just things that rattle around in my head and need to get out from time to time. Sorry if I caused alarm.
- I'm heading to Kansas with Amelia next week. We'll do several things.
- Amelia will get to hang out with her grandparents from both sides, as well as cousins, aunts, uncles and one very special great grandmother.
- I'll get the chance to talk to some friends and acquaintances at some cool churches in the ITC about lights, video, imag, music, and how they affect worship and outreach - a self directed conference, if you will.
- We'll give Regina some much deserved quiet time to rest and regenerate. That's after she gets over her little girl not being at home...
- I'll get to lead worship at the church where I grew up. I've led there several times. It's way different from Harvest, but a good church with people who've known me since I was 5.
- I have the sense that Harvest is heading toward what could prove a very cool time in the history of this church. Lots of things lining up.
- 17 1/2 weeks till we leave for Jamaica. I'm ready for some warm white sand and clear turquoise water. We're heading back to CSA where we went in '05. I can smell that salty air...
Shouldering burdens
Struggles come for each of us. From time to time. For reasons that we cannot quite grasp. Struggles come.
Why then, are we surprised/upset/discouraged when they do come our way? Why then do we feel as though the world will end this time? When we have successfully survived the trials of the past?
This happens because we forget the trouble when it is past. We celebrate the spring without clinging to the pain of the winter. When the sun is bright and warm on the cheek, we forget that it was once dark. And we are oblivious to the inevitable night that so quickly approaches from the eastern horizon.
At times I wonder what it is like for those who work in the secular world. Do they feel the weight of many eyes each week as they work in sales or healthcare or tech? Do they feel the weight of expectation in the same way we who work in the church do?
I am certain that some do. I am even more certain that some do not.
Those who feel the heavy weight of expectation regularly understand how the burden grows. They understand how one’s best is never enough. And they can see the burden others bear. A different shape, from a different source, but still alike in its oft-destructive effects.
It is these who, when their burden is lighter, will help another shoulder a weight that is not their own to bear. To you, many thanks are offered and much deserved.
For those who do not feel the weight and who have no understanding of its effects, it becomes easy to sit by and pass judgment on those bearing the weight. For some it becomes a consuming force – evaluating how others walk under strain. “I don’t like the way you’re doing that.” “Do it this way.” “I like the way he does it, why don’t you do it the same way?”
It is in serving together that understanding can be forged. And it is through understanding that caring words are heard.
4:07 PM | Filed Under | 2 Comments