I don't understand
why I am fine all day long but hungry like a bear in winter in the evening.
It's killing me!
Ran some yesterday after some weight work. Planning to do it again today.
4:00 @ Cardinal. Be there!
9:12 AM | Filed Under | 2 Comments
Try eating something with good fat-avacodo, handful of nuts, fish, cook with oils, etc. You can also add complex carbs like potatoes, rice, and beans. I notice when I add one of these to my meal plus water I have the full/satisfied feeling longer. When I don't add it I am hungry within 1 to 2 hours. Hope this helps.
I started back on WW. Down 6 lbs as of this morning. Eating right and getting the house ready to sell (source of exercise!). Not even close to where FK is, but oh well. :-)