I've been having a blogversation with my cousin, Kevin, over the last couple weeks regarding the church, denominations, and church growth/health. He's involved at Gracepoint, a great church in Wichita. They've been pushing the envelope on a number of fronts. They're intentionally focused on attracting and changing the lives of the unchurched, as well as impacting their community in the name of Christ.
Gracepoint's pastor, Bryson, has a great post about Wesley and church health. If 46% of UMC churches had no conversions last year, what does that tell us about the reason many churches exist today. Social clubs are great. But don't masquerade as Christ's church. Make disciples! Change the world! When the church gets comfortable it gets lazy. And when it gets lazy, it gets self-centered. That leads to the Christian Social Club.
Don't be afraid to stir the pot, to stretch beyond what's comfortable. Do what we've been empowered by the Holy Spirit to do. Show the world the undeniable attractiveness of Jesus, and teach them to follow Him.