Lurkers come forth...
OK, I'm just plain curious.
A couple of you have told me that you're reading this.
But I'm really wondering who's out there lurking in the shadows.
Time to step into the light.
Please, take a second and leave a post so everybody knows who's out there.
Consider it a favor to yours truly.
12:51 PM | Filed Under Who's reading | 12 Comments
I read! :)
You already know I'm a reader.
Wow! 4 posts in 2 days?? Who's writing these?
I gotcha on my bloglines...
Do you have StatCounter on the site?
I know. It's a little crazy, huh?
caught my second wind...
No statcounter that I'm aware of.
I'm reading it!
From Michelle O. -
I read, but rarely comment. Love reading yours on Kevin's blog, though
I don't read any of this! but my mullet does...
Ken, aahhh, the mullet. It sees all, knows all.
Yep, I read it.
I'm here...
I'm reading- just a little behind