Weekend Recap

  • We've put a hold on getting Amelia into a Toddler bed. Not sure what I was thinking... this IS just about the busiest time of year. Sleep is at a premium.
  • We had a great weekend at Harvest. Child/Family dedication at the 10:30 service was nice. We borrowed an idea from John at the Vertizontal blog. They do some mad-creative things at Westwinds. The idea we stole in a nutshell: we are all connected. Even before we know it. We are connected to the children and families who were dedicated to God on Sunday. To help highlight that, Helen, our Children's Pastor, explained the idea. Then each person got a string and we spent some time greeting one another and helping tie strings on wrists. These were to help remind us to pray for the families and children. Hopefully it will stick with people...
  • We had an extended leadership meeting after the service on Sunday. I thought it went well. Props to Byron and his team for putting it together. BTW, thanks again for the cornbread. I miss southern cooking!
  • Went shopping at Target in the afternoon Sunday. Always a fun time. Looking at the toys and thinking toward Christmas.
  • It's stinking COLD. High of 36 degrees today. THIRTY SIX. I fear I'll be using the new snow-blower soon...
