This is undoubtedly the busiest time of year for just about everyone. At Harvest this is absolutely true.
I was talking with Julie about this fact this morning and she told me how overwhelmed she was feeling. I said
"You know what we should do?"
she said "lock myself in my office and ignore everything else?"
I said "no. We should all go out to lunch!"
Perfectly logical to me.
We were all feeling overwhelmed. So... I convinced everyone that we needed to go out to Chipotle for lunch.
It took some serious guilt tripping, but I accomplished a very difficult feat. Everyone who was here in the office went to Chipotle for lunch today.
We had fun. We laughed. We enjoyed the sunshine. It was good.
So, the moral of the story? Sometimes you gotta get out and take a break!
Live, Laugh, Eat some really big burritos.Peace